The world’s largest mobile battery system commissioned on an emission-free construction site in Breda
Published on Wednesday 17 May 2023
DENS, a high-tech technology company based in Helmond, known for the Hydrozine power generator, supplies a mobile battery system of no less than 2.3MWh. The unparalleled battery capacity on a 20fthooklift system developed for contractor Van der Zanden based in Moergestel is unique in the world and will serve as a charging infrastructure for the zero-emission construction site.
“Since 2015, we have been working on technological developments in the field of battery, fuel cell and Hydrozine technology. In recent years we have increased and expanded our knowledge and we have broad our expertise at the mechanical, electrical, chemical and software level” says Max Aerts CEO DENS. “We have developed a modular mobile system that is unparalleled in performance, safety and energy density. Whether it concerns a grid-bound application or an off-grid application for super-fast charging of vehicles, it is a multi-functional mobile battery solution”.
Unique and unparalleled design
The unique battery pack has been developed in anticipation of the PGS37 regulations that will change in 2024. It is a compartmentalized system, with a fire prevention system installed per 145kWh.“We go to great lengths in our security measures”, says Max, “but in the end, in addition to maximum business continuity, safety is the most important issue for our customers”. The amount of kWh that we can place on the smallest possible footprint is unparalleled. The system we are now delivering is a 20ft flatrack with a hook lift and a battery capacity of 2.3MWh. This configuration is also equipped with an integrated charging station so vehicles can be charged super fast. The system can be installed and commissioned within 1 minute.
Thanks to our in-house development team, we are able to realize developments together with our customers. Contractor Vander Zanden, based in Moergestel was searching for a mobile solution that they could transport with their trucks equipped with a hook lift system. That was also new to us. Together we succeeded in creating an amazing product within 9months. A battery system with a charging station, so that electrified machines or vehicles on a construction site can be charged super-fast. A battery system that also complies with the grid code. The latter is interesting when a location, such as at Van der Zanden, is amply equipped with solar panels, so that trading on the imbalance market is simply possible. By using this unique system, Van der Zanden is able to supply the entire construction site with emission-free energy. The mobile battery system is being used for the first time today in Breda. The former Harley Davidson building at the Stationslaan will be demolished in a completely circular and emission-free manner to make space for the construction of 52 new houses. The electric excavator that is used for the demolition work can be charged quickly on a daily basis, by means of the supercharger that is integrated on the mobile battery system. A powerful duo, both executed in the well-known green color of Van der Zanden.
SSEB, Subsidy Scheme for Clean and Emission-free Construction Equipment
The Subsidy Scheme for Clean and Emission-free Construction Equipment opened on Tuesday 9th of May and almost 1.000 applications were submitted. There was a lot of interest in the SSEB purchase in particular. No less than 177 request for a mobile battery pack. Both the electric excavator and the mobile battery pack from Van der Zanden are fine examples of emission-free construction equipment for which an SSEB application could be submitted to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.