New Porsche Center in Oisterwijk opens despite Power Shortage

The new Porsche Centrum Brabant in Oisterwijk has been officially opened. The realization of this state-of-the-art 17.000 m² showroom was a huge challenge due to a power shortage, but innovative battery solutions allowed the planned opening to go ahead .

A New Premises with Innovations

The new Porsche Center in Oisterwijk is truly an eye-catcher. This ultra-modern building, built in the "Destination Porsche" architectural style, features the latest technologies and amenities. A unique environment for both customers and employees, with a showroom that differs from traditional setups.

Sustainable and Innovative

This building features many electrical applications and a roof full of solar panels. That means less use of fossil fuels and a step toward a more sustainable future. But there was a problem: the existing power connection couldn't handle all these new gadgets. And the grid operator indicated that a larger connection would not be possible until 2026, because the power grid is under considerable pressure.

Porsche Centrum Brabant

Smart Battery Solution to Power Shortage

Porsche, in cooperation with DENS, has deployed a smart solution! The center uses an innovative battery pack. These batteries are charged at night when there is enough capacity on the power grid. During the day, the Porsche Center receives energy from these batteries, solar panels and the existing "limited" power connection. This smart energy management system ensures that the showroom and workshop run smoothly, on largely sustainably generated and stored energy.

A great example of how grid congestion and a shortage of eletricity due to a limited power connection, can be solved by installing battery packs in combination with a smart energy management system.

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