Jett Rebel launches Greenfest: a green music event

Eindhoven, Aug. 12, 2024 - Dutch artist Jett Rebel is bringing sustainable energy from the future to to present-day music events. On Saturday, Sept. 21, he will launch Greenfest: a green concert revolving around technological innovations on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology. Greenfest is intended as a prelude to more sustainability in the Dutch music scene, serves as a baseline measurement and is explicitly also used as a dialogue with the public to take sustainability in the Dutch music sector to a higher level.

Future vision for the livesector

Greenfest aims to set a new standard for low CO2 events in the Netherlands, with Jett Rebel as headliner and the TU/e-developed GEM-Stage as an energy-generating stage. With this, Greenfest marks an important step toward a greener future for the live music and entertainment industry.

With inspiring examples such as Coldplay and Massive Attack already using new forms of energy, Jett Rebel now also puts his shoulders under this green revolution: “Greenfest shows that sustainable live music is not only possible, but also has the future. I am immensely proud to be part of this project and am already looking forward to seeing the effects of this with other artists.”

GEM-Stage at theHigh Tech-campus. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

Science meets music

The campus of Eindhoven University of Technology was not chosen for this event by chance. At TU/e, a lot of research is being done on sustainability. The GEM Internship is an example of this. F aas Moonen, associate professor, is the initiator of this eye-catching and colorful stage that generates its own energy using wind, sun, green hydrogen and a rechargeable battery. Moonen: “With the GEM Stage and the PowerHub, a mobile ‘super battery’ from DENS Helmond, it is possible to run Greenfest completely off-grid. Greenfest is a logical next step. We want to do everything as low carbon as possible, both in front of and behind the scenes and in cooperation with local parties.” The GEM Stage has already impressed at various European festivals and events in recent years, such as Pukkelpop (BE), Eurosonic Noorderslag (NL), Ocean Race Aarhus (DK) and Rock For People (CZ).

In addition to running the concert entirely on green energy, the GEM Stage is transported by electric trucks and set up with an electric forklift. Drinks are available only in recyclable cans. Food trucks on the grounds use organic frying oil and serve only vegetarian and vegan dishes. Visitors are motivated to come by public transportation, which with the convenient location of the TU/e campus next to Eindhoven's (bus) station and the scheduled end time of the concert is as easy as possible.

Line-up and partners

On Saturday, September 21, it's all about the music with performances by Friday, Ciao Lucifer and, of course, Jett Rebel himself. There is room for two thousand visitors. Greenfest is made possible by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Gemeente Eindhoven, Double 2 Mediaproducties, ZAP Concepts, Showpower (partly responsible for the sustainable smart grid of the last Coldplay tour that reduced CO2 emissions by 59% compared to the previous stadium tour) DENS and VolkerWessels, from whom the electric trucks will be hired for the transport and other parts for the concert.

The event highlights how technological innovations and renewable energy sources can contribute to a low-carbon future for the entertainment industry.

Tickets for Greenfest are available now.

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